Frequency Recap: This Time It’s Personal


This week’s episode of Frequency gave us a deeper look into just how twisted the Nightingale Killer is and how far he will go to mess with the Sullivans. We also got our first real hint that Frank and Raimy might not be the only people who can communicate through time. Here are some of the events that went down in the sixth episode, “Deviation”.

CUT OFF ONE HEAD, ANOTHER GROWS IN ITS PLACE | We begin in 1996 where two kids stumble upon the Nightingale truck from last week, but burned to a crisp. Under it they find another dead body. At the crime scene, Frank (Riley Smith) blames himself for letting the killer (in the truck) get away but Satch (Mekhi Phifer) tells him the body has been there at least three months. Frank thinks the Nightingale Killer is sending him a message. When Frank fills in Raimy (Peyton List) about the truck she tells him it doesn’t matter because they know he is set to kidnap Amanda Baldwin (Amber Friendly) in two days and that is their chance to catch him. Frank wants to let Amanda in the loop but Raimy shuts him down. Frank tries to convince Satch that Amanda is the next victim without revealing how he knows (ya know…talking to the future). Satch finally gives in and gives him twenty four hours and two cars. Raimy is accosted by reporters on her way into the station about Eva Salinas (Jessica Camacho) faking her Nightingale abduction. She tells them they are working round the clock to catch him and get justice for ALL his victims. Satch and Frank are in one of the cars tailing Amanda that night and they see a guy in a hoodie begin following her. They jump out of the car and run after him, tackling him to the ground. Unfortunately, he isn’t the Nightingale killer but rather just a kid selling bootleg CDs.

Frank visits Amanda at home later that night and tells her they fear she is in danger. She agrees to leave town and stay with her mother until it all blows over but just as she’s saying that, the camera moves to INSIDE THE CLOSET where someone is watching. Frank notices the shadow and gives her his keys, telling her to get out of the house and lock herself in his car. He searches the house and is brained by the Nightingale Killer who proceeds to beat the daylights out of him. He takes Frank’s wallet but then drops it back onto him. Raimy checks Amanda’s file and it now reads that her abduction was prevented and she lives in India. Later she gets a call to a crime scene where she finds Amanda murdered in her apartment after moving back to the city with her boyfriend just a few months ago. The killer left a clip of Raimy’s earlier statement about getting justice for the victims playing on a loop. Nightingale was sending Frank messages back in 1996 and now he’s sending them to her. Satch brings Frank his wallet back and he discovers what is missing, a small photo (of what, we don’t know yet). He goes to visit Julie (Devin Kelley) who gives him a package Stan Moreno (Anthony Ruivivar) dropped off at the house earlier. Inside are pictures of Frank undercover and with a woman who is definitely not Julie. A lab tech handles a piece of paper that was clasped between Amanda’s hands. It’s covered in her blood but when he washes it off it is revealed to be a wallet-sized photo of Frank, Julie, and Raimy. HE HELD ON TO IT FOR TWENTY YEARS JUST TO MESS WITH FRANK’S DAUGHTER!!

KRAZY KARL| Satch tells Raimy that he wants her to look into a tip they got from an inmate who asked for her specifically. She goes down to the prison and meets Karl Pierce (Curtis Armstrong), who is serving life for murder. He tells her he can give her answers about Nightingale and her mother through his “special friend”. That special friend turns out to be Future Karl. He too is able to communicate through time. Or so he claims. He murdered his first victim, Steve Fishman, because his future self told him about the bad things Steve was going to do. He explains that time is like a tree. If you cut off one branch, another grows in its place. The only way to completely prevent a future event is to cut it off at the trunk aka kill the person responsible before they have a chance to do it. He wants Raimy to help him get access to his communicator that he recreated while in prison. She refuses but after Amanda’s death she reconsiders and gets him access. Karl repays the favor by killing another inmate, using the excuse that his future self told him to. Raimy tells Karl she had his machine dismantled and leaves him there.

KISMET | Raimy takes the subway to work, which she never does, and who does she run into, standing right across from her? Daniel (Daniel Bonjour). He asks if this is a joke and she swears that she isn’t stalking him. She asks him if he believes in kismet, that some things are meant to be, but he still dismisses it all as too weird. She runs into Daniel again outside of Amanda’s crime scene. Apparently he works in the area. She tells him her name and that she’s a detective. He says maybe he is starting to believe in fate and also gives her his name. Later, when she is eating the food Det. Kyle (Rob Mayes) dropped off for her, instead of calling him back, she calls Daniel and listens to his machine.

So what did you think? Is Krazy Karl really crazy or is there something more there? Are Frank and Raimy’s involvements in the case going to end up leading to Julie being taken even earlier? Let us know in the comments.

Frequency airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

Photo Credit: Michael Courtney/The CW
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