The Fosters has never shied away from controversy, and their newest installment isn’t any different. Last nights episode tackled not only the topics of abortion and gay sex education, but it also touched on the subject of schools need to hide things to improve their image. “Sex Ed” was written by Kris Q. Rehl and directed by Michael Medico.
The Homosexual Education | Jude (Hayden Byerly) is taking sex ed in school and realizes they only teach about heterosexual sex, they don’t even touch on the subject of gay sex. Jude wants to know why? He doesn’t know anything about how sex would work for him, so he turns to a gay hookup app to try to learn through experience. He lies to a man and says he is 18, then goes over to that mans house. When he returns home his moms are waiting for him. They know about the app and want to know what happened. Jude tells them the truth, he went to the mans house, where he was kicked out because he clearly isn’t 18.
Lena (Sherri Saum) asks Monte (Annika Marks) about adding gay sex education to the curriculum, but Monte is worried about parents reactions. Lena takes it upon herself to paper the school with flyers for a gay sex education that will be held off campus. Monte is okay with this solution.
Jesus Loses It | Brandon (David Lambert) takes Emma (Amanda Leighton) to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion. At dinner that night, Brandon decides to let Jesus (Noah Centieno) stay in his room for a while. Now that Jesus has his own room he wants to have some sexy time with Emma, but Emma rejects him. He thinks it’s because she is sleeping with his brother, but in reality it’s because she just had an abortion that he had no idea about.
The next day Jesus sees Brandon and Emma being friendly and decides to call them out. Stef (Teri Polo) makes everyone leave the room and Jesus falls apart, crying in her arms.
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Music Therapy Isn’t So Easy | Brandon goes back to music therapy to observe, but oversteps his bounds when he touches a child with autism. He goes back the next day to apologize and to strictly observe, but he accidentally knocks over a cluster of music stands. This causes the same child with autism from the day before to have a breakthrough and laugh for the first time. Brandon is learning just how rewarding it can be to work with children with disabilities.
“We’re goin’ to trial.” | Callie (Maia Mitchell) presents her senior project to her class, who are all blown away by her work. Sadly, Monte tells Lena that Callie’s project reflects poorly on the school after the Nick incident, so she will need to remove it before the open house. Callie agrees to remove it, but several of her fellow seniors decide it’s an injustice and plan to boycott the open house. Callie being Callie, comes up with a brilliant idea that will get her project off school property, but satisfy the seniors enough to stop their boycott. She sets her project up across the street, just off school property but easily viewable by everyone. Callie’s project was so impressive that an art professor offered her a spot at the school she teaches at! But when Callie returns home after the open house she’s hit with some bad news. Troy is refusing to take any offer, he wants to go to trial.
“Even princesses can learn to fight.” | Mariana (Cierra Ramirez) wants to learn how to defend herself so she looks to Stef for some training. She shows up for her first lesson with phone in hand and heels on her feet, but she makes a valid point when she states that this is how she would be dressed if she were attacked. Stef tells her that her best defense is screaming loudly. She wants Mariana to scream now, but she’s embarrassed and refuses, then she gets back on her phone. Since Mariana clearly isn’t interested in anything not on a screen, Stef leaves. Later, Stef scares the crap out of Mariana, eliciting the scream she was looking for earlier. Mariana gets pissed off at her mom for doing that, so Lena makes Stef apologize. The mother/daughter pair discuss the day Nick broke into Mariana’s room and held a gun in front of her, and how she handled that situation perfectly. Stef is in the middle of a terrible Disney princess analogy when Mariana screams and scares the crap out of Stef.
After Jesus’s outburst, Mariana follows Brandon upstairs and asks if he’s sleeping with Emma. B tells him it’s not true, but Mariana should mind her own business. Suddenly it clicks, she knows Emma really was pregnant, but no longer is. She’s mad her best friend went to her brother with that information and not her, so she blasts Emma on social media.
Too Good To Be True? | AJ (Tom Williamson) finds out Anna (Alexandra Barreto) and Isabella are moving in, and he’s excited about it! Later, Mike (Danny Nucci) admits to Anna that they can’t live together while AJ is being fostered, good thing he plans on adopting him! AJ visits his brother in prison to let him know he’s being adopted, but his brother lets him know he’ll be getting out in a few months and wants AJ to live with him. AJ’s got a tough decision to make, but it might be a bit easier to make when he finds out Anna can’t move in until he’s adopted. He begins to think that’s why Mike wants to add him to the family.
That was definitely a crazy episode! Do you think Emma did the right thing by not telling Jesus? Will Mariana’s social media outburst get traced back to Emma? Is Brandon going to continue to go to music therapy? Will Callie get screwed by the system, and Troy, at her trial?
The Fosters airs Tuesdays at 8pm on Freeform.
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.