BLAST FROM THE PAST | Carmen’s (Roselyn Sanchez) past comes back to haunt her when her husband Oscar (Jaime Camil) shows up at the house looking to talk to her. They had married when she was 17. Oscar wanted a traditional Latin wife with babies; but the babies never came. Her life was empty. The only thing that got her through and gave her joy was singing. She wanted to pursue singing, but he wouldn’t allow it, so she left him. When Carmen refuses to go back with Oscar, he gets violent with her, throwing punches with Sam (Wolé Parks), crashing into Evita’s birdcage freeing the bird, and even challenges Odessa (Melinda Page Hamilton). It all ends with Odessa saving the day and Oscar leaving in an ambulance stretcher with a neck brace. Go Odessa!
THE PROPOSAL | Eddie’s (Eddie Hassell) case makes a turn for the worse when the lawyers find out that he had a relationship with Flora (Paula Garcés) for two months. They find emails which shows that Eddie had proposed to Flora two weeks before her murder — a proposal that she had rejected. This development was motive enough and makes him look even more guilty. Luckily for him, he remembers something that could help him — a phone conversation Flora was having about something being on video.
LOVE & OTHER DRUGS | Remi’s (Drew Van Acker) high-school girlfriend Allison (Kristen Prout) spends the night, which surprises Valentina (Edy Ganem) and makes her quite a bit jealous. He leaves the house asks Valentina to watch her. Allison is a total bitch to Valentina and demands she paint her nails or she will expose her feelings for Remi. After the two them get into a big fight, she ask that Remi have Valentina fired, he he refuses to do. And since he also changes his mind about going to the club with her, Allison suggest the two of them do some recreational drugs.
OPEN MARRIAGE | Spence Westmore (Grant Show) suggest to Peri (Mariana Klaveno) that they have an open marriage where they are free to sleep with other people. Peri is thrilled with the idea, as she can’t get her hands off of her sexy co-star. But when she meets up with him in his trailer, he tells her that Spence only suggested it because he’s sleeping with someone else also. Peri confronts Rosie (Dania Ramirez) to find out what she knows and naturally doesn’t tell her anything.
• The needy, self-obsessed Allison asks Valentina to ask the gardeners to stop their leaf blowing. “It’s super loud and my Spanish is muy rusty,” she tells her. Valentina then says to the gardeners, “¡Silencio para la princessa!” which translates to “Silence for the princess!”
• Peri justifies her cheating on Spence and says what she does is different than if Spence were to cheat saying, “That’s different because he’s lucky to have me.”
• Oscar locates Carmen and demands she return home with him, but when she refuses to go along, he gets physical. Odessa threatens to call the police if he does not leave immediately. He throws her to the ground and continues attacking Carmen. Odessa comes back up and knocks him on the head… with her prosthetic leg!
• It’s all about fighting in this round of OMG moments. This one comes once again from Allison and Valentina. After Allison demands Valentina do her nails, Valentina throws nail polish all over Allison’s dress, which start a massive fight between the two. I’m surprised neither of them got thrown into the pool. While this is going on, the gardeners are watching and enjoying the show. Oh, Abundio!
• When Remi decides to skip the club and instead stay home, Allison suggest the two of them have some “fun.” Then she proceeds to pull out some drugs. “I haven’t done that in a while,” Remi tells her, to which she replies, “You didn’t fire that awful girl, you didn’t take me to the club. Come on. You owe me.”
• Evelyn and Oliva Powell had a son who died! How tragic? It was an unforgivable death that Adrian continues to blame her for. “You took your eyes off of him,” he says. “You let that car plow right into him. I’m still so filled with rage, I could barely touch your hand.”
• We all know that Flora was trying to have a millionaire’s baby and then milk him for everything he’s worth; we just didn’t know how far she was willing to go until we see Eddie having a flashback of a time when he and Flora were together. She steps out of her bedroom to take a call where we learn that whatever she was doing, it was documented. “You have to work with me here,” she says to the person on the other line. “This is a chance for me to make some real money. Of course he will pay. Because it’s on video!”
Rowell was born and raised on Maui, Hawai’i, and now lives in the almost-as-green Pacific Northwest. He’s obsessed with Cirque du Soleil, loves teen dramas (especially those with a supernatural element) and horror movies, and is addicted to sushi. Prior to PopWire, he created individual fan sites for the shows Friends, Hellcats, Nikita and others, which led to creating and working on OMFGTV.