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“Debris” Recap: This Is Your Life, Bryan Beneventi

Recap of episode “Asalah”


Debris finally dives into the mysterious past of one of our heroes in “Asalah” and answers questions while opening up new ones. Bryan is contacted by a woman affected by Debris who wants to show him something.

Can’t Stop the Signal | A group of Orbital agents in HAZMAT suits are getting colossal spikes in Debris signals and find a woman sitting in the middle of the woods who has one thing to say: “Bryan Beneventi.” As Finola (Riann Steele) gets a call from George (Tyrone Benskin) who informs her that he is driving to Indiana for equipment, Bryan (Jonathan Tucker) gets a call from Gordon (Thomas Cadrot) informing him of the woman, identified as Mariel.

Bryan and Finola meet Gordon in Maryland and he shows them footage of a void following Mariel around before she was found. The team takes Mariel to a containment unit and she starts repeating conversations from Bryan’s life years ago before she grabs his arm and he goes into a coma, while flashing back to his time as a soldier in Afghanistan, sporting a thick beard.

Reporting for Duty | As Bryan is sent to a MRI, Finola figures out that Mariel’s vital signs are matching Bryan’s. In the flashback, Bryan and his men find an Afghan woman named Asalah, who begs them to find her grandfather in a village nearby. Maddox (Norbert Leo Butz) arrives just in time to hear Mariel say “Operation Desert Eagle,” which Maddox recognizes as a real operation. Back in the flashback, Asalah bonds with Bryan and takes his camera to take pictures of the Taliban leader in her village for him. She gives him the pictures on the condition that he promises to protect her grandfather.

Gordon finds the Debris piece, but its signal is so weak that it can’t be affecting Mariel. Finola tells the doctors to electrocute Bryan’s brain to short circuit the connection between him and Mariel, while Maddox privately tells a doctor to up the dosage on Bryan’s injections he’s been taking privately. During the flashback, while Bryan is being electrocuted, he briefly stops what he’s doing and recognizes Maddox watching the operation, but then carries on as he did.

The Raid | Bryan tells Asalah to take her grandfather and go to wait by the road leading out of the village. As Bryan and his men raid the village that night, Bryan suddenly says that he knows what’s about to happen and finds Asalah’s body on the ground. He takes her body to her grandfather and then sees Mariel sitting in the middle of the desert. He asks her why she made him relive this and she simply offers her hand, but Bryan is resuscitated before he can take it. He demands to see Mariel, but she has died.

Bryan tells Finola the whole story and that Asalah came back to the village to warn Bryan of an impending ambush and was killed in the strike and after that, he was arrested for taking revenge on an unrelated group of Taliban. He was rescued from the prison by Maddox and recruited into Orbital after that. Bryan is shaken from what happened and Maddox promises to get to the bottom of it, when we cut to a man in Arizona sitting and waiting in the middle of the desert.

“Debris” airs Mondays at 10pm on NBC.

Photo Credit: James Dittiger/NBC

Written By

A native of Boise, Idaho, Bradley is a hardcore entertainment junkie whose interest span many different genres. Favorite shows include: The Originals, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Silicon Valley and Powers.

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