“Deadly Class” turns the action up to 11 in its season finale, “Sink With California,” in which Marcus sets out to stop Chester once and for all, while Maria confronts Saya about last night. Master Lin is on the run with his daughter as Diablo sends his son Juan after them.
The Raid | Marcus, Saya, Maria, Lex, Billy and Petra prepare the raid of Chester’s house: Billy and Petra wait outside with a block of explosives on the door to prevent anyone fleeing, Marcus and Lex invade the house to take out Chester’s hillbilly crowd, while Saya and Maria break into the second floor of the house to attack. Almost immediately after entering, however, Marcus and Lex are overwhelmed by attacking hillbillies and forced to hide behind an overturned fridge for safety.
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Betrayed | Meanwhile, Master Lin and Naya are on the run being pursued by Juan and his men. Lin hides in the school as he beats a bunch of Juan’s men to death, but is wounded by one in the struggle.
Bleeding from the wound, Lin takes Naya to his office, where he is met by Gao, who takes Naya to the assassins’ guild to train her against Lin’s wishes. Unfortunately, Lin has no choice.
Speaking of betrayals, Saya gets into a fight with a crazed hillbilly and Maria refuses to help her, having deduced that she slept with Marcus. Saya manages to deal with her assailant, only to get into a literal fight with Maria when yet another crazy hillbilly arrives and stabs Maria. After dispatching that hillbilly, Saya tells Maria that she’s out and leaves everyone behind.
Cornered | After dodging attacks by hiding in the fridge, “Indiana Jones” style, Marcus is captured by Chester, who puts him on a fake talk show scenario to get him to confess that he did not burn down the boys’ home. Even though the camera is by no means broadcasting live, Marcus tries to convince Chester that there is a home for him at Kings’ Dominion. Just when Chester is about to take the bait, Marcus hits him and gets away, only to be attacked by Chester again. Marcus manages to set loose one of Chester’s caged dogs, which mauls Chester to death, as Marcus retrieves Chico’s head. When he confronts Maria outside, they are met by Juan and Diablo, who see Marcus holding Chico’s head. And just when you think they couldn’t be more screwed, Lex shows up and Juan shoots him! And that’s how the season ends!
What did you think of “Deadly Class'” season finale? Let us know in the comments.
A native of Boise, Idaho, Bradley is a hardcore entertainment junkie whose interest span many different genres. Favorite shows include: The Originals, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Silicon Valley and Powers.