If last week’s pilot of “Deadly Class” turned you off, odds are that episode two, “Noise, Noise, Noise,” won’t change your mind. However, for those that stick around, we get a chance to know these characters more- namely that they’re all scum. But hey, that’s par for the cause.
Marcus struggles with the aftermath of killing Rory, while Master Lin presents the students with a lethal test. Chico takes Maria for a romantic night out, while Marcus finds out more about Willie.
Deadly Detention | It’s another day at King’s Dominion, so what better way to kick off the episode than with Master Lin poisoning half the student body and ordering them to solve a riddle to find the antidote before they die? Yes, that’s seriously how this episode starts! After Marcus and company fight their way through a blockade of ninjas, he finds the right antidote, but passes out before he can take it. Fortunately, Maria manages to feed the antidote to everyone, although she contemplates not giving it to Chico, but pulls through.
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The survivors enter the mess hall to be greeted by Shad, a dorky kid who invites Marcus to a house party at his parents’ place. Marcus talks more and more people into coming, but Maria is stolen away by Chico who takes her out for a romantic dinner instead. On said romantic dinner, Emilio, an old friend of Chico’s shows up and Chico executes him in the back of the car next to Maria. He tells her that he knows she tried to set it up so that Marcus would kill him, but he won’t kill her- he’ll just do something worse if she pulls this again.
A House Party in My House | At Shad’s house party, things get out of control pretty quickly. Drinks are consumed, condoms are thrown into fish tanks and someone defecates on the walls. Billy tries to confess his undying love for Petra, to which her response is to go sleep with another guy, who later storms out naked. You know, the normal stuff.
Marcus confronts Willie about him taking credit for Rory’s death and also drinking fruit punch at the party. Willie confesses his backstory, also done in a comic book style, when his father was being roughed up by gang members and young Willie shot them up, but accidentally killed his father. After that, Willie swore off violence, but keeps up appearances to impress his crew.
Face the Day | The next morning, Master Lin drives Marcus to a cemetery where Rory’s daughter is burying her dad. After her kind words, Marcus informs the funeral guests that Rory was a scumbag and walks out, but not before Rory’s daughter tells him to burn in hell. Again, the normal stuff.
Lin cheers up Marcus by saying that if bad people get what they deserve, it doesn’t matter what the world thinks. He also tells Marcus that he’s proud of him and sets him up in a nicer room with Shad. He returns to his office, where Saya informs him of Marcus’s weaknesses and the fact that he didn’t burn down the orphanage. Lin asks who did, and we cut to a burned face guy breaking into a petting zoo to have sex with a goat and then killing a cop, saying that the goat is nothing compared to what he’s going to do to Marcus.
“Deadly Class” airs Wednesdays on SYFY.
A native of Boise, Idaho, Bradley is a hardcore entertainment junkie whose interest span many different genres. Favorite shows include: The Originals, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Silicon Valley and Powers.