In the latest installment of Freeform’s supernatural-thriller Dead of Summer, the counselors are no longer in a state of denial about the strange things...
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Just as one mystery is solved, another wades in wait for high tide to pull it to shore. The third season of the Hallmark...
In the latest installment of Freeform’s supernatural-thriller Dead of Summer, the counselors are no longer in a state of denial about the strange things...
Wormholes, murder, and…butts?! Here’s what happened in Dark Matter: She’s One of Them Now. Episode 7 opens on Two/Portia (Melissa O’Neil), Three/Marcus (Anthony Lemke),...
Our trio of bounty hunters are back in episode 7 of season two of Syfy’s Killjoys. Our heroes are trying to save Sabine (Tori...
Enter If You Dare. This teaser poster for Freeform’s supernatural thriller Dead of Summer is all making sense now! The network on Friday evening...
Scott McCall and company went through a lot last season on MTV’s supernatural thriller Teen Wolf. Heading into the series’ sixth — and final...
The CW network has released the promo for episode #411 of Beauty and the Beast, which you can check out below. The installment, titled...