“The Originals” returns for a truncated fourth season with “Gather Up the Killers,” in which Marcel faces a challenge in Alister Ducaine, an old...
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Just as one mystery is solved, another wades in wait for high tide to pull it to shore. The third season of the Hallmark...
“The Originals” returns for a truncated fourth season with “Gather Up the Killers,” in which Marcel faces a challenge in Alister Ducaine, an old...
On the heels of NBC announcing the summer premiere date for it’s upcoming supernatural series Midnight, Texas and its plans for an exclusive screening...
The CW network has released the synopsis for episode #404 of The Originals, which you can check out below. The installment, titled “Keepers of...
The CW network has released the synopsis for episode #109 of Riverdale, which you can check out below. The installment, titled “Chapter Nine: Le...
The CW network has released the synopsis for the Season 3 premiere of iZombie, which you can check out below. The installment, titled “Heaven...
If you missed the world premiere of NBC’s upcoming supernatural series Midnight, Texas at New York Comic-Con last October, Universal Television is giving you...