“Beauty and the Beast” Austin Basis Exclusive Interview: Bring Me to Life

BEAUTY AND THE BEASTOne character that some fans felt got killed off too soon was Evan Marks (Max Brown). “We didn’t want to lose him,” Executive Producer Jennifer Levin told OMFGTV in 2013. When asked if that was the last we’ve seen of him, Levin replied, “We hope not! We love him!”

Production on Season 3 of The CW beastly drama wrapped a few months ago in February, and Basis confirms that Max Brown does not return in any of the 13 episodes.

“I love Max,” Basis gushes. “Me and my wife get along with him and his wife really well. From the pilot through the time he was on the show, we were really chummy. Working together was a fun period of time and after we started working together in the same scenes, his character gets killed off. I think I took it the hardest just because it was nice to have someone that we hung out with. It was a nice thing to have, not that I don’t get along with everyone else. Sometimes you hit it off especially with certain people and Max and his wife are two of those people. I would always encourage the writers to bring him back. He would be a great villain, or who knows what will happen in Season 4, but he’d be a great other beast. There’s always the potential that he could come back to life and be used as a beast.”

But with JT having a lot of close calls this season, will he survive long enough to make it to Season 4? “JT is the punch dummy this year,” he explains. “He’s always the one taking the hit, being injured. And he’s been like that in the past, but especially this season, it’s almost every episode. He’s like the dude damsel in distress or the Kenny from South Park, the Beauty and the Beast version. ‘You hurt JT, you bastard!'”

Austin Basis tells us that he had fun playing those injuries, and that yes, he will be in Season 4 even though the thought of that still boggles his mind.

“I won’t believe that we’re picked up for Season 4 until I’m there and I see a first script and we’re filming and I see my scenes or lines for the next episode — episode 401.”

Luckily for him and JT fans everywhere, Season 4 is currently in production in Toronto.

Beauty and the Beast airs Thursdays at 8pm on The CW.

*Bonus Question*
We asked Austin Basis, a longtime member of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and philanthropist, about his thoughts on Beauty and the Beast possibly making a return to the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con.
“It would be fun. I enjoyed the experience last time. I’m sure if we do go, there will be Beasties in full force there that make the trip, wait in line, and go in early. I just hope it’s a great experience. It’s a great way to show stuff from the new season; tease some stuff from later episodes. Because we’ll be airing while Comic-Con is on. Tease remaining episodes and maybe stuff from the season finale. It will be fun. I think it’s an opportunity to promote the show and hopefully we’ll collect some more fans in the summer.”
*CBS Television Studios, the studio behind the show, has yet to announce their Comic-Con lineup, but we hope Beauty and the Beast makes it there!
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