Beauty and the Beast Exclusive: Austin Basis Previews Season 3

beauty-and-the-beast-season-3-previewPart of their new life involves Vincent’s beast being locked up inside and setting that part of himself aside.

Since the finale, he’s earned back his doctoral license, passed his medical boards and is now back on track to being a doctor and back to being who he was going to be before the Twin Towers, before Afghanistan and before Muirfield got to him.

Their new, normal life, however, may be cut short as the pair are propositioned by the Department of Homeland Security to participate in their fight against these dark forces. The question is whether they accept that challenge, and with Cat itching to confront these foes, their participation is very likely. And after Vincent put his “beast” behind him, bringing that side of him and his supernatural abilities to the forefront may prove challenging and dangerous.

“It’s a crash course in his abilities and trying to see what he can do because he hasn’t [utilized his beast abilities] in so long,” Basis explains. “Throughout the course of the season, he really finds a power that he didn’t know he had. He realizes at some point that his full potential hasn’t been reached as a beast. So his full capabilities of what he can do and how he can use his abilities for good has not been really challenged fully until this season.”

With Vincent in full beast mode like never before, there’s also the risk of him going completely back to the dark side like he did in the second season and part of his and Cat’s fear is if he’ll be able to pull himself back. “That’s a question that haunts him throughout the season.”

But just who or what are these dark forces that bring Cat and Vincent out of the norm? Near the end of the Season 2 finale, we were teased with some information about the new antagonists, saying there are “a lot worse things out there than beasts — worse threats.”

“The only thing I can say is that there are people out there that aren’t beasts but have mutations,” he reveals. “They’re not beasts but they have these enhanced powers and they’re threatening the safety of the public and it’s left in the hands of Homeland Security and possibly Cat and Vincent.

“It’s definitely their destiny,” he adds, “but the question is whether they’ll take it and accept it and fight the fights that are calling them out.”

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our interview with Austin Basis.

Beauty and the Beast Season 3 premieres Thursday, June 11 at 8pm on The CW.

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