The first season of Syfy’s The Magicians follows a group of college-aged magicians navigating themselves through their magical education, when their lives are threatened...
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The first season of Syfy’s The Magicians follows a group of college-aged magicians navigating themselves through their magical education, when their lives are threatened...
In tonight’s all new episode of MTV’s Sweet/Vicious we see how Jules (Eliza Bennett) is really dealing with the aftermath of her rape. MTV...
With Syfy’s The Magicians‘ second season premiere on the horizon, OMFGTV has decided to rewatch the exciting first season and compile a list of...
Syfy Van Helsing‘s epic season finale aired one week ago, and if you are like us here at OMFGTV, then you’re already missing the...
The season 1 finale of Syfy’s Van Helsing does not disappoint! The story picks up with Vanessa (Kelly Overton) in Dmitri’s (Paul Johansson) clutches,...