“The Originals” has always been known for heart rending family drama, but “The Kindness of Strangers” brings it to the next level in arguably...
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“The Originals” has always been known for heart rending family drama, but “The Kindness of Strangers” brings it to the next level in arguably...
In “Legion’s” season 2 finale, “Chapter 19,” the show changes everything. No, really. Check our math. David is forced to make a difficult choice...
“Supergirl” is just dragging out its ludicrous final few episodes in “Make It Reign.” With Kara and Mon-El stranded on Argo City, Serena sets...
Freeform and Marvel join forces for “Cloak & Dagger” and its two hour series premiere delivers a dark, compelling and character driven drama that...
“The Originals” followed up last week’s devastating death with a bittersweet episode that highlighted the struggle of the Mikaelson family. “God’s Gonna Trouble the...
“Legion” brings all the players together in “Chapter 18” as Syd is captured by Melanie, who tries to turn her against David. David interrogates...