“The Originals” returns to its “Vampire Diaries” roots in its emotional penultimate episode, “The Tale of Two Wolves.” Klaus prepares to save the dying...
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“The Originals” returns to its “Vampire Diaries” roots in its emotional penultimate episode, “The Tale of Two Wolves.” Klaus prepares to save the dying...
Hot off the airing of their July 19 episode, “Ghost Stories,” the cast and creative team behind Freeform’s newest and hottest summer series, “Cloak...
In “Cloak & Dagger’s” latest, “Ghost Stories,” Tyrone hatches a plan to finally get justice for Billy, but it requires a huge risk on...
With only three episodes left in the entire series, “The Originals” decides to give the Mikaelsons a long deserved moment of happiness in “‘Til...
“The Originals” nears its final three episodes in “There In the Disappearing Light.” Klaus tries to help Hope control the dark magic inside her,...