“The Umbrella Academy,” Netflix’s latest addition to the comic book show landscape, has arrived with its ambitious and engaging pilot, “We Only See Each...
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“The Umbrella Academy,” Netflix’s latest addition to the comic book show landscape, has arrived with its ambitious and engaging pilot, “We Only See Each...
“Supergirl” returns before yet another hiatus with “Menagerie,” an episode that tries to tie up multiple storylines into one episode with mixed results. Kara...
“Runaways” takes a page out of the thriller handbook in their latest episode, “Hostile Takeover.” Awol plots revenge against the Runaways, who are forced...
“Deadly Class” goes to Vegas in “Saudade,” which starts off like any other episode, corkscrews into trippy chaos and ends with a game changing...
This week’s “Legacies” goes all alternate reality on us, while giving Jenny Boyd a chance to show off her acting chops in “There’s a...