“Cloak & Dagger” show runner Joe Pokaski directs this week’s episode, “Vikingtown Squad,” in which Tandy is taken to a harbor for captive women...
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“Cloak & Dagger” show runner Joe Pokaski directs this week’s episode, “Vikingtown Squad,” in which Tandy is taken to a harbor for captive women...
With three episodes left in the season, “Supergirl” deals a few emotional cards in “Will the Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?” Alex gets...
“Cloak & Dagger’s” latest episode, “B Sides,” takes some serious creative risks and goes in a decidedly brutal direction, which while certainly one of...
David Harewood directs this week’s standout “Supergirl” episode, “American Dreamer,” which has action, drama, heart and a few twists for good measure. In Supergirl’s...
“Cloak & Dagger” takes a break from the whole Mayhem thing this week and ends up with a dark and powerful episode in “Alignment...