In “The Last Children of Krypton,” Supergirl and Superman team up to fight Metallo, a Kryptonite powered criminal funded by Cadmus. Alex and Winn...
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In “The Last Children of Krypton,” Supergirl and Superman team up to fight Metallo, a Kryptonite powered criminal funded by Cadmus. Alex and Winn...
Marvel Studios has delivered incredible films, larger than life characters and some of the best streaming shows around. Any new project they announce is...
In Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD episode “Uprising,” Coulson, Fitz and Mack are dispatched to Miami to save Elena after a blackout organized by an...
Supergirl moves to The CW with an auspicious and fun-filled season 2 premiere, wistfully titled “The Adventures of Supergirl.” Kara’s cousin Clark Kent visits...
Netflix’s four show crossover event series The Defenders is only a year out, and that means that news about the highly anticipated series is...
In the season finale of Supergirl, “Better Angels,” Kara turns the tables on Non and Indigo, forcing them to play their ultimate endgame. Kara...