
“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” Episode ‘Teeth’ Recap: Strong, Smart, & Capable

Recap of Episode “Teeth”

The monster-crushing gal pals, Astrid and Lilly of Astrid and Lilly Save the World bring a new level of confidence into the hellfire ring in Episode 102, “Teeth”, when they go head-to-head with a toothy, bully-eating creature affectionately called Razor. The episode was written by Betsy Van Stone & Noelle Stehman and directed by Jill Carter.

Skin Sack Surprise | Post-monster annihilation, Astrid (Jana Morrison) and Lilly (Samanth Aucoin) arrive at school beaming with newfound self-esteem. The world finally feels like it’s theirs for the taking until a goo-shooting lightning bolt splits open the sky and covers Principal Varshidi and Vice Principal Michelle in a brown slimy substance. As punishment, Astrid and Lilly are assigned setup and cleanup duties for the Pine Academy Hgh’s Extracurriculars Fair.

Astrid and Lilly are left to clean up after the fair without the help of Andy (Kyle Guerrero), a school bully, after he’s gone missing. Did he bale or did something more sinister happen? You can place your bets on the latter. The girls get alerted by their supernatural senses and discover Andy has been emptied of his insides, leaving behind nothing but a skin sack, clothing, and… pubes?

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Lethal AF | That night, Astrid and Lilly meet with their trusty guide, Brutus (Olivier Renaud), at an abandoned warehouse to confirm that the second monster has crossed over from the otherworldly dimension and she’s in pursuit of hormone-fueled bullies. Razor, as her friends call her, feeds off of testosterone. The pair are tasked with finding Razor, who disguises herself as an inconspicuous woman and harvesting her teeth – all 23,3271 of them. Lucky for the gals, Brutus has provided them a lethal AF weapon – a magic oboe, aka the Borgati 2000.

Furniture Lady | At the school fair, Val (Christina Orjala) signs up to intern for Sal, a woman who owns a local furniture store. Little to Val’s knowledge, Sal is actually the toothy villain whom Astrid and Lilly are frantically searching for. Val becomes the perfect baiting device to lure unsuspecting teenage boys to the showroom for Razor to slurp them down like soda pop.

The number of disappearing jocks is on the rise and our monster slayers are feeling anxious to figure out who Razer is disguising herself as – so anxious that they end up tackling a student’s mom to the ground in the boy’s locker room. Oops! Principal Varshidi catches wind of the incident and informs the girls’ parents, causing Astrid to strike out with her mom and get grounded.

With Astrid being confined to her room at home, it’s up to Lilly to screen the soccer game for the prowling Razor. Attending the game as a Yearbook Club photographer, Lilly uses her camera to scan the bleachers for suspicious characters. No one stands out until her sights fall on Sal, the furniture lady, watching the game with an entirely too luminous grin. When Candace (Julia Doyle) tells Lilly that Tate (Kolton Stewart) is flaking on her to help Val at the furniture store, it dawns on Lilly that Sal is their suspect.

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Strong, Smart, & Capable | Tate cancels on Val and Sal, aka Razor, at the last minute, leaving the monster desperate to find her next meal. To satiate her appetite, Razor attempts to gulp down Val but Astrid and Lilly arrive slinging their oboe of sorcery. A few honks of the woodwind is enough to give Razor a good startle and prevent her from killing poor Val.

Razor’s conniving tendencies are about as sharp as her thousands of teeth when she tries to convince Astrid and Lilly that she’s doing the world a favor by ridding the world of its macho men. After all, wouldn’t the world be a better place without all of the “bullies, manipulators, [and] cruel tormentors?” The duo considers Razor’s point, but they realize that by allowing bullies to be eaten, they are no better than the bullies themselves. Razor solidifies Astrid and Lilly’s epiphany when she tries to make a getaway. Astrid hits the lethal oboe one last time, turning Razor into a gooey puddle of fangs.

“I am freaking strong, smart, and capable,” Lilly tells her mirrored reflection as they leave the furniture store. Nothing like a second monster assassination to give these slayers another boost of confidence. The next day at school, Lilly wears shorts for the first time in years and Astrid asks out her crush, Sparrow (Spencer Macpherson), out on a date.

Okay, Monster Hunters! After this week’s episode of Astrid & Lilly Saves the World, I’d like to leave you with some Brutus wisdom to keep in mind as we approach Cupid’s holiday: “True love is the most important thing in any dimension.” What does true love mean to you?

Astrid & Lilly Save the World airs Wednesdays at 10pm on SYFY.

Photo Credit: Alex Stead/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY

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