Join & Sync With Us for an Episode of “WitchSlapped” While We Watch “Motherland: Fort Salem!”

On January 29, PopWire will be hosting an episode of WitchSlapped, a podcast of sorts, while we watch Motherland: Fort Salem. As you may know, there is a Watch Party going on for the Freeform series, and we figured that while this is happening, it would be fun to have a live audio chat about the show and what we’re watching at the time. This chat will be in the form of a Twitter Space, a relatively new feature on the social media platform.

SYNC UP WITH US | We will be watching, reacting, and discussing the show as it’s playing. The fun will be when you sync up with us. And here’s how we plan to do it:

Shortly before 4pm PST, we will all get the episode ready to go on whichever streaming platform you use to watch the show (Hulu, Disney+, etc.). If your streaming service delivers ads, let the ads play and then hit the pause button right before the actual episode starts. Our hosts will then give a countdown on the Space and will let you know when to press pause/play so that we’re all in sync.

When the episode goes to commercial (if you have the ad-supported tier of your streaming service), let the ads play. Keep a watch on that timer (if any) and then hit pause when the ads end right at the point where the episode is about to resume. Our hosts will again do another countdown and we’ll all press pause/play to continue watching.

If you have an ad-free plan or a streaming service that does not include any ads, press pause every time the episode goes black (where the commercials would’ve been). At this point, we’ll wait a couple minutes so that those with ads can catch up. And then as always, our hosts will let you know when everyone can hit pause/play.

We’d love to all be in sync, so that you’re seeing exactly what we’re seeing when we talk about and react to it. We will also be inviting some listeners to join in as a speaker and react along with us. So if you plan to join us and would even like to participate as a speaker for one of the segments, it is important that we all be in sync!

Watch Party | More information on the Watch Party, including when to watch in your time zone, can be found here: @MFSWatchParty. To find out which streaming service includes Motherland: Fort Salem, click here.

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