“Agents of SHIELD” Episode Review: The Power of Fear

This week on “Agents of SHIELD,” Daisy teams up with May to escape HYDRA’s clutches, Fitz vows to put an end to SHIELD and Coulson hatches a plan to upset HYDRA’s control.

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“All the Madame’s Men” was a pretty epic episode that managed to tie in some real world political commentary. Coulson plots to show the world the true nature of HYDRA through a broadcast, which seems to be successful. He also takes a dig at “alternative facts” and tells the public that they need to wake up from the lies they’re being fed. Well played, “Agents of SHIELD,” well played.

The big drama this week, surprisingly, went to Ward as he came to terms with the fact that he won’t survive if Daisy and Simmons end the Framework. This really highlighted the strengths of bringing Ward back, seeing as he regrets his awful behavior in the real world, even though he may not be aware of it. It also gave Daisy the chance to realize that maybe Ward is deep down a good guy.

We also discovered that Project Looking Glass, AIDA’s mysterious endgame, is in fact building a human body for her in the real world, which would mean she could end the Framework and kill everyone. Plus, she now knows where Simmons and Daisy are. Tick tock…

“All the Madame’s Men” was a strong episode with some cool, practically nerdgasm inducing scenes and some great character and action to boot. “Agents of SHIELD” is really gaining some traction now that the season is nearing a close.

“Agents of SHIELD” airs Tuesdays on ABC.

Photo Credit: ABC/Patrick Wymore
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