“Agents of SHIELD” Episode Review: When Robots Attack

With the Ghost Rider storyline of season 4 put to bed, “Agents of SHIELD” moves into the LMD storyline teased at the end of last season with explosive results in a fun, twist filled episode.

“Broken Promises” kicked off with AIDA going rogue and locking down SHIELD HQ to get to the Darkhold for her own nefarious ends. Mace teams up with Daisy and Simmons to track down Senator Nadeer, who is dealing with her Inhuman brother, Vijay.

The AIDA-is-evil subplot went on full blast this week, and to the show’s credit, it managed to play a different angle than “Avengers: Age of Ultron” which obviously tackled similar territory. AIDA was (at least for this episode) portrayed as a straight up cold hearted monster, as opposed to the more humorous Ultron and Mack’s constantly funny quips about robo-pocalypse movies highlighted the issues with the subplot in a clever way.

Speaking of clever, the reveal that Radcliffe is in league with AIDA was a fun reversal and one you legitimately do not see coming. If there’s one thing this show can do well, it’s misdirection and this twist payed off big time, not to mention giving us plenty of meaty story for the rest of the season.

Nadeer returned this week, where it was confirmed that she was funding the Watchdogs, who seem to be working for someone else behind the scenes. Nadeer showed off her ruthless side as she murdered her own brother after discovering he was Inhuman, a fairly heavy shocker for the show. But Vijay’s corpse seems to go into Terrigenesis again, so to be continued…

“Broken Promises” was a fantastic start to the LMD arc, with tons of unique twists and a great transition from Ghost Rider. Just goes to show how even a comic book show can reinvent itself and stay relevant.

“Agents of SHIELD” airs Tuesdays at 10pm on ABC.

Photo Credit: ABC/Eric McCandless
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