Teen Wolf Recap: Right on Track


Last night’s episode of Teen Wolf featured a trio — count ’em, three! — of deaths, a whole lot of bugs, a nasty slashing, and an interesting revelation. Let’s take a look at some of the events that took place on episode 3, “Fireflies.”

BUG-A-BOO | As mentioned above, there are a ton of bugs in this episode. The episode starts out with a couple of adorable children capturing some fireflies before running into Boyd (Sinqua Walls). The pair of them manage to escape his wrath when a jar full of fireflies escape and distract him long just long enough for the children to be rescued by Scott (Tyler Posey). And there’s something odd about these fireflies appearing in Beacon Hills as Mr. Argent (JR Bourne) points out. California fireflies aren’t bioluminescent, so they don’t glow. Hmmm.. Then, later in the episode a couple of girls who are hoping to have a romantic night in the forest are threatened by a large swarm of bugs who first infest their tent, and then later manage to make one of them vanish from plain sight.

TRACKING 101 | Derek (Tyler Hoechlin), Scott (Tyler Posey) and Isaac (Daniel Sharman) are no match for Boyd and Cora (Adelaide Kane) who are both too fast, too strong, and too rabid. To prevent the two from senselessly killing more innocent people, they enlist the help of someone who’s perfect at hunting werewolves: Mr. Argent. The werewolf hunter gives them a crash course on tracking and with a little help from baby Argent, Allison (Crystal Reed), they are able to rangle uncontrollable werewolves and lock them into into the school’s boiler room.

TRIFECTA | Ms. McCall (Melissa Ponzio) asks that Styles (Dylan O’Brien) meet her at the hospital to further inspect a dead body found next to the school’s pool. They’re able to rule out that the murder was not consistent with a werewolf attack and when Ms. McCall shows him another murder victim who turns out to be Heather, the 17-year-old who propositioned Stiles for sex at her birthday party before mysteriously disappearing. When Stiles learns that she has the exact same injuries, he notices a pattern and comes to the realization that the two victims and a yet-unfound third, were all virgins who were part of a ritual called the “Threefold Death,” not random killings, but rather human sacrifices.


  • Was anyone else reminded of The Three Little Pigs story in the beginning when Boyd stalked those two kids? When they were in the tiny shed and Boyd circled around it, I kept thinking of Boyd as the big bad wolf: “I’ll huff and puff and blow your house down!”

  • How coincidental was it that out of the entire school, Ms. Blake happened to be in the same place at the same time as Boyd and Cora in the boiler room. And did anyone notice the big sign on the door? “DANGER BOILER ROOM AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY” Why would they store school supplies in there at all? If not for that, Ms. Blake wouldn’t have been down there.

What was your favorite part of the episode? Hit the comments below and let us know!

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