“SurrealEstate’s” The Roman Agency Delivers Cleansing Kits to Help Rid Negative Energy

Selling a house, but worried about the demons lurking in your basement? If your home is haunted with supernatural forces you’d like to get rid of, SurrealEstate‘s “The Roman Agency” has got you covered!

On the new Syfy series (premiering Friday, July 16), the agency is no stranger to all things that go bump in the night. The eclectic team of specialized individuals tackle these types of hauntings and beasts on a daily basis.

“There’s literally a different [supernatural] beast every episode,” Tim Rozon (Luke) reveals. Sometimes, he says, it’s a literal beast, like a warrior devil dog that needs to physically be fought and dealt with. “But other times it’s an internal beast that maybe one of the ghosts is dealing with.” The beast could even be the house itself.

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Spearheaded by Luke (Rozon), “The Roman Agency” on SurrealEstate has sent out cleansing kits to homeowners to help “rid your house of negative energy!” Along with an astrological guide, the kit includes other items that should help do the trick.


Crystal Zodiac Astrological Guide | Don’t let selling opportunities pass on. Use your sign to make buyers aware you’re selling.

Natural Crystal Healing Wands | To increase your home’s value, power your house with clean energy.

White Sage | Use for those deep house cleanings, when you want to go above and beyond.

Smudging Plate | For when you need to give your spirited cleaning a rest.

If these items do not work, however, you may want to call on “The Roman Agency” to drop by for a visit. Along with Luke, there’s technology specialist August (Maurice Dean Wint), office manager Zooey (Savannah Basley), research specialist Phil (Adam Korson), and newcomer Susan Ireland (Sarah Levy). As Korson says, “We get the job done.”

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The team does understand the hesitancy in some homeowners, who would rather not like to make that phone call. But desperate times call for desperate measures. “We’re the last resort for a lot of homeowners,” says Savannah Basley (Zooey L’enfant), “but in the opposite way as in they’ve tried absolutely everything that they possibly could [to get rid of those hauntings]. We’re kind of the last resort in that sense, but the best. We’re saviors. We just kind of come in and make everything magically work out again.”

Check out photos of the cleansing kit below, and let us know if you’ll be tuning in!

SurrealEstate premieres Friday, July 16 at 10pm on Syfy.


Photo Credit: PopWire
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