“The Nevers” Part One Finale Recap: Well, *That* Just Happened

The Nevers deals out its final episode before a hiatus until at least 2022. So will the part one finale, “True,” deliver a satisfying conclusion to the first half of the season? That depends: Do you like lots of time jumps and lots more confusion?

Stripe | If you’re expecting a follow up to last week, think again. In the most out of left field, “Am I watching the right show” first act in television history, this episode begins in a post apocalyptic future with an older version named Stripe (Claudia Black) teaming up with the Planetary Defense Force, who’s been fighting a war with something called Free Life.

The team raids a bunker with a large alien creature sealed in a dome that is preparing to return to its home planet and if you’re confused right now, don’t worry! After most of the men get killed by a captive Free Life officer, Stripe commits suicide by drinking poison, just as the alien releases a glowing mist into the sky.

Molly | The episode then moves backwards to the 1800s, before the Attack, where Amalia (Laura Donnelly) is going by Molly and working in a bakery before marrying Thomas, who ends up being a colossal jerk to her when she is unable to carry a pregnancy to term. Thomas ends up dying a few years later, leaving her to take care of her bedridden mother in law.

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After she attempts to kill herself by jumping into the river, as seen in the very first scene of the pilot, she is taken to an asylum, where she starts babbling about things from the future timeline in an American accent. She meets Sarah (Amy Manson), the future Maladie, as well as Cousens (Zackary Momoh), who uses his healing powers on her for the first time.

It transpires that Amalia is actually Stripe having been somehow transplanted into Molly’s body during the Attack. A few weeks into her stay at the asylum, Amalia perfects her English accent and is approached by Dr. Hague (Denis O’Hare), who wants to study the Touched.

She suggests that he study Sarah instead and he leaves with her, implying that she inadvertently created Maladie. After being denied release from the asylum, Amalia is visited by Lavinia (Olivia Williams), who frees her and gives her the orphanage and Penance (Ann Skelly) as a helper.

True | One more time skip, this time to the mission that Amalia went on last episode. Amalia gets separated from the others and finds her way to the mine where the glowing sphere is. Amalia tearfully bares her soul to the sphere, which starts shaking and Amalia falls off the platform.

During this, she gets a series of visions of the Beggar King (Nick Frost), Massen (Pip Torrens) firing a gun, and a mystery woman telling her that she needs to forget something. Amalia is then swarmed by Hague’s enhanced soldiers, but manages to escape and return to the orphanage, as seen last week. She tells Penance that it’s time to tell everyone the truth about the future and that her name is Zephyr Alexis Lavine.

The Nevers returns… sometime in 2022.

Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein/HBO
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