“Motherland: Fort Salem” Exclusive: Tony Giroux on Landing Covetted Role, Introduces Adil & Khalida, Talks Tension & Romance

Freeform’s Motherland: Fort Salem is filling our lives with such joy during these strange times. With their compelling storylines and well-developed characters viewers look forward to watching each week. PopWire caught up with Tony Giroux during all this down time to see what we can find out about his character Adil and the Tarim.

Landing the Role | Tony was a student at a drama school in London when he first heard about Motherland: Fort Salem and sent in an audition tape. Shortly after he was asked to send in a second. Then he got the news that changed everything. “I remember being told on a Wednesday that I was confirmed and had to be in Vancouver, Canada by Sunday. Hold up. WHAT!”

This was Tony’s first big role, and though nervous he was excited to be a part of the world Eliot Laurence created. “A matriarchy filled with cool witchcraft and beautiful characters. Joining the cast was a no brainer. Filled my dream of playing a character with superpowers, and got to stand for something close to my heart: empowerment of female voices.”

Who are Adil and Khalida? | Adil, Khalida, and the Tarim are still a bit of a mystery so we asked Tony to give us a little more info about them. “Khalida and Adil come from a nomadic tribe living in the deserts of North Western China,” says Giroux.

“They have chosen to live remotely in order to protect their powerful songs and keep a pacifist lifestyle, which has been violently interrupted by governments seeking their powers. As for Khalida and Adil, they are a close-knit sister brother duo, who also have their arguments, like most siblings. It’s always all love, right?” 

After Raelle heals Khalida the relationship between Adil and his sister shifts to more of a leader/protector role. “The dynamic shifts when Khalida is healed, which brings out a different side of Adil. She becomes a leader of the two, but Adil doesn’t let her step all over him. Lots of aspects of this that will develop as the series continues.”

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Tensions with Alder | There is obvious tension between Adil and Alder, so why would Adil go to her for help? Because she was the only one with the resources to do so, according to Tony. “Adil and Khalida were led to Fort Salem for the medical resources to heal Khalida’s dark sickness. As Alder says, ‘we have some of the best healers in the world, here in Fort Salem.’ Perhaps, we sometimes have to do the things we don’t want to do in order to get what we need most.'”

General Alder seems to have almost an obsession with learning the secret songs of the Tarim, and we don’t quite know why. Tony wouldn’t give up the answer, but he did give us some insight on what Adil was thinking while interacting with her. “Ahhh well that is a good question! Things to discover as the series unfolds, but I can tell you that Adil was asking himself the exact same question when interacting with Alder.”

Possible Romance | From Adil and Abigail’s first interaction there were sparks, and now they’ve shared a kiss! But will their opposing feelings about the Army get in the way?

Giroux is quite the romantic, so he’s all for their “impossible love.” He explains, “I am from France and we are big fans of romance. And doesn’t it seem to be intensified when circumstances are harder.

“Abigail and Adil are from completely different worlds, with different mindsets, yet perhaps their hearts share the same longing? All I can tell you is that they could come across struggles and disagreements, yet shouldn’t love have a place for that?”

Sticking Around | Adil came to Fort Salem with the mission of healing his sister, now that she’s better will they stay? Giroux wouldn’t give too much away, but it sounds like Adil may have reason to stick around a while longer. “His task to heal his sister is accomplished, yet what he encountered along his journey and in Fort Salem could affect that decision.” 

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Behind the Scenes | Tony was kind enough to share a little bit of what his experience behind the scenes was on Motherland: Fort Salem.

“I was pretty nervous joining the show. I left my studies early to come on board and it was my first significant role, so I definitely felt a need to prove myself. First day of filming, I shot most of my scenes for episode 6 with Lyne Renee who plays Alder, which all had a serious vibe. Later that day, Ashley Nicole Williams arrives on set. MAJOR GOOFBALL.

“She walks in, brightening up the whole room. We share a couple of looks, and the goofy face-off starts. Laughs, funny faces, and little seriousness. When headed back to the trailers, I thanked her and said, ‘Girl, you shine so bright.’ We shared great chemistry and that definitely colored the interactions of our characters. Can’t wait to share more of that on screen.”

We asked Tony if he wanted to promote any other work, but instead he wants us to promote this: “Everything being on hold during this time, I’ve been forced to spend time reconnecting to the simple things. And I’d want to promote that over any work projects at this time. Support and love one another, share smiles, and give space for our hearts.”

Watch Motherland: Fort Salem Wednesday nights at 9pm on Freeform!

Photo Credit: Richie Lubaton
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