“Supergirl” Season Finale Recap: I Did It My Way

In the ironically titled season 4 finale of “Supergirl,” “The Quest for Peace,” Supergirl vows to stop Lex’s sinister plan once and for all, while Dreamer and J’onn must free captive aliens in the action packed and exciting finale.

A Luthor Family Reunion | After President Baker appoints Lex to the Secretary of Alien Affairs, we discover that Lex somehow did not kill Snowbird, but wounded her and is using her along with several other aliens to power a laser to destroy Superman in space. He invites Lena and Lillian to the White House for a family moment, but Lillian and Lena are already plotting his death.

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Prison Break | With Dreamer and J’onn on Shelley Island along with Snowbird and the captive aliens, Dreamer manages to get a message out to Kara and Alex to alert them to the location.

As Supergirl, Alex and James arrive to the island, Lockwood, angry at Lex for using him, shows up to kill some aliens. After an epic battle, Lockwood takes out James’s right eye, but Alex incapacitates him.

J’onn and Dreamer try to overload the reactor powering the laser and when they nearly die in the process, Brainy finally wakes up from his prior programming and admits to Dreamer that he loves her. They destroy the reactor and free the aliens, but this alerts Lex and he arrives to fight Supergirl.

The Joke’s On You | During Supergirl and Lex’s battle, Snowbird takes a fatal blow meant for Supergirl and dies, but her energy goes into the Girl of Steel and she blasts Lex out. Lex somehow teleports to his lab, where Lena is waiting for him and shoots him, but Lex’s last act is to show perfectly edited footage of Kara using her powers, exposing to Lena that Kara is Supergirl before he dies.

Thanks to Kara’s CatCo article, Lex’s plot is exposed, Baker is arrested, and Haley is appointed to Lockwood’s job while Lockwood is sent to prison. James gets an eyepatch, Brainy and Nia get together, and so do Alex and Kelly. The gang assembles for game night, and Lena arrives with a smile on her face, as Kara decides to let her have tonight before she tells Lena the truth. As Lena smashes her whiskey glass on her picture of her and Kara together in her office, some mysterious figure arrives over Lex’s dead body…

“Supergirl” returns this fall on The CW.

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