“The Originals” Series Finale Recap: The Art of Letting Go

After five seasons, “The Originals” comes to a dramatic, bittersweet and appropriate close in “When the Saints Go Marching In.” And, as promised, there were tears.

Klaus prepares to say his final goodbyes to his family, while Hope refuses to let go. Freya proposes a unique idea to Vincent and Rebekah makes a crucial decision about her future.

Angel Vs Devil | Picking up from last week’s cliffhanger, Hope walks in on Klaus preparing to kill himself and knocks him out before he can. They return to New Orleans and chain up Klaus in the cellar, where he sees visions of Mikael trying to get him to kill Hope and Cami telling him not to. Meanwhile, with all the drama going on, Freya asks Vincent to be the father of her and Keelin’s child! Mega awkward! Even worse, Vincent refuses to, saying that bringing a child into this messed up world is too much.

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The Last Supper | Speaking of bad timing, Caroline arrives for one last drink with Klaus and begs him to say goodbye to Hope before kissing him one last time. As Klaus and Hope exchange tears, the rest of the family gathers to share drinks and talk about all the horrible things Klaus did. Klaus and Hope walk in and it turns into a last supper of sorts as Klaus, Elijah, Hope, Freya, Keelin, Rebekah, Marcel and Kol all share one last happy moment.

We Face it Together | After Hope promises to do right by the Mikaelson family name, Elijah stays to tell one last thing to the family. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah walk to the bench that started it all in the show’s first episode. Have the tears started yet? Don’t worry, they will.

Klaus tells Rebekah that he asked Caroline to make a vial of the cure for vampirism for her and when she’s ready, she can take it. Rebekah goes to Marcel and finally agrees to marry him and leave New Orleans. Vincent then approaches Freya and Keelin and agrees to father their child. As Hope paints a picture of the whole family together, Hayley is seen watching over her with a smile. And we’re not even at the final punch of the episode yet.

Klaus sits down on the bench and asks Elijah to kill him with the last stake. Elijah splits the stake in half and tells Klaus that he is dying with him. Now that Klaus is truly redeemed, Elijah can die in peace with him. Klaus asks Elijah if there is an afterlife and if they’ll only see darkness after they die. Elijah’s answer: “Then we’ll face it together.” They both stab each other with the stakes and dissolve into ash, which floats up through the air. And that, ladies and gentlemen is all she wrote and “The Originals” bows out with a stunning and fitting bookend to the family saga.

What did you think of “The Originals'” swan song? What was the most powerful moment? Will you be tuning in for “Legacies” in October? Let us know in the comments.

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