Top 10 OMFG Moments From The Magicians First Season

With Syfy’s The Magicians‘ second season premiere on the horizon, OMFGTV has decided to rewatch the exciting first season and compile a list of the top 10 OMFG moments to jog your memories and get you excited!

10. Magic is real, welcome to Brakebills! – Quintin Coldwater becomes aware that magic is real after following a piece of paper into a magical school, Brakebills, and passes the entrance exams. Quintin has always believed in magic, now that he knows it is real and he is a magician, there are endless opportunities for his future!

9. Brakebills isn’t for everyone. – Quentin’s best friend/crush Julia takes the entrance exam for Brakebills with Quentin, unfortunately she did not pass. The school attempted to wipe her memory, but she insured she would remember. Now that she knows magic is real she is willing to do anything to learn it, including joining a group of Hedge Witches (people who were not formally taught magic).

8. Taylor Swift Moment – In what is perhaps the funniest scene of the season, Quentin must sing and dance to Taylor Swift in order to get a message through to Penny. There is nothing better than Quentin Coldwater singing “Shake It Off” very off-key in a mental hospital.

7. The Beast Attacks – The first time Quentin and his friends come across The Beast is during one of their classes. The Beast freezes them all in place, kills their teacher, and attacks Dean Fogg, leaving him blind and unable to use his hands. They don’t know who The Beast is, but they know he must be stopped.

6. The threesome that sparks a twosome. – After a long night of practicing battle magic with their emotions in a bottle, Quentin, Eliot, and Margo fall into bed together after reuniting their emotions with their body. Because Quentin cheated on Alice in that threesome, she breaks up with him and sleeps with Penny. This show really is like college. The betrayals on both sides prevent Quentin and Alice from reconciliation, forcing the pair to remain “just friends.”

5. Fillory is Real! – Quentin’s wildest dreams come true when Penny accidentally astro-projects himself into Fillory, more specifically, to The Beast and one of his prisoner (another traveler and student from Brakebills). This means that Christopher Plover’s books based on the Chatwin’s and Fillory are true! Quentin’s whole childhood has been made by this news. But why isn’t The Beast in any of the books? Who is he and how is he tied to Fillory?

4. The Beast kills Jane Chatwin and end the time loop. – Dean Fogg reveals to Quentin, after The Beast kills Jane, that they have been in a timeloop where they have been killed by The Beast 39 times. It was Jane’s loop, and now that she is gone it cannot be restarted, meaning this was their final shot to kill The Beast. Fogg also reveals that Jane always changed something in every timeloop, this time it was Julia not getting into Brakebills.

3. Christopher Plover was not a good guy. – In episode 9 Quentin and his friends go to Christopher Plover’s home to look for a button to lead them to Fillory. While in the house afterhours it is revealed that it is extremely haunted with not only Plover, but also his sister, the Chatwin’s, and the housekeeper’s kids. They discover that Plover was studying magic and was trying to become a magician. On top of that, he was sexually assaulting Martin Chatwin and drugging Jane. His sister, Prudence, even killed the housekeepers kids to keep the from disturbing her brother. The man that Quentin and thousands of other kids idolized was actually a pedophile who eventually became The Beast, or so they think.

2. The Lady Underground is a sham. – Julia’s memory patch is removed by the God Ember, and she remembers the horrors that she witnessed while trying to summon the goddess with her friends. She watched her friends get killed by Reynard the Fox, then was raped by him so Kady could get away. When she realizes what happened she takes away Alice’s only chance to kill The Beast by making a deal with him to kill Reynard.

1. Plover is not The Beast. – Martin Chatwin is! Martin snuck into Fillory behind Quentin and Julia in the 1940’s and never left. There he learned magic and began drinking from The Wellspring nightly to drain Fillory of its magic and use it for himself. He also grew an extra finger on each hand to help cast more complicated spells. He has Christopher Plover trapped in Fillory as well, using an anti-aging spell to keep him alive to torture daily, though Quentin and his friends don’t feel bad for him. He’s the one who created The Beast.

What were your favorite moments from The Magicians inaugural season? Let us know below!

The Magicians Season 2 premieres on Syfy January 25 at 9pm!

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