Teen Wolf’s Tyler Hoechlin on Derek’s “Optimistic” New Relationship

featured-teen-wolf-watchIn tonight’s episode of Teen Wolf the spark and sexual tension between both Derek and Braeden finally amounted to something. The pair of supernatural beings hooked up in what was one of the many hottest scenes to ever take place in the show’s history.

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But with all of Derek’s relationships seeming to end in a bad place, how does his portrayer, Tyler Hoechlin, feel about the dynamic duo and where their relationship is heading?

“I feel so far this is the most promising one,” Hoechlin says on the post-show talk show Wolf Watch. “I think that Derek feels like he can trust Braeden which is a big thing for him cuz we know that he usually doesn’t trust anyone.

“So the fact that he’s letting her into his life and his circle and she’s really trying to help him out in a time of need for him, I think he’s optimistic.”

What do you think of Derek and Braeden’s relationship? We’re absolutely loving it!

Teen Wolf airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.

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