Witches of East End Recap: Raven and Poe


Travel back in time during this week’s Witches of East End as we go back to the 1800s!

We don’t have wait long to find out where Joanna, Wendy, and Freya have found themselves. Not another realm, just another time! Baltimore 1848 to be exact. Close enough. I’ll gladly take it! Joanna is in search for a weapon to kill her father. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that it’s the same weapon she used to kill Freya at one point in time. Whoa!

Anyway, the girls try to search for the weapon while making sure not to bump into their 1848 selves and making sure they don’t outstay their welcome. Apparently, twelve hours is the limit before crap hits the fan while time traveling. So we won’t be in this setting for long I think, which makes me sad but the two hour season finale is next week so who knows, we might find the three in another time as well on their way back home. What do you think?

This episode mostly consists of Joanna and Wendy telling Freya about their lives during this time (shown in flashbacks) as they wait for the right time to get the weapon. In an early flashback, it is revealed that Freya fell in love with Poe! Edgar Allan Poe! Not only that but after being possessed in a secret seance with Poe, the spirit that came remains inside Freya and goes on a killing spree, with Wendy as one of the victims! Wow! The writers didn’t hold back with any of the characters here. Nice! Also, I wonder which number life that was for Wendy. Anyway…

Is it a coincidence that Freya slept with Poe and the name of Dash’s new friend with benefits is Raven? Foreshadowing? Hmm. Raven stops by Dash’s job, on the clock aka on the FBI investigation that could bring Dash down. The two have fun but we all know Dash won’t hesitate to take her out when she poses to be a big threat. Will that be in the finale? Hmm.

Meanwhile, Killian is on a mission to do whatever it takes to end up with Freya for good, without the “star crossed” attached to “lovers.” Good luck with that.

And then, of course there’s Ingrid. Who at first may have thought that she made the right decision by staying with Frederick and her grandfather but soon after ends up telling her grandfather that she wants to go back to Asgard with him, which is a lie. We find out Ingrid’s true intentions to take her grandfather down when she goes to Dash for help. Do you think that this was Ingrid’s plan all along? Do you think she and Dash can take him down all by themselves? Her grandfather isn’t thinking about Ingrid at all, being so consumed with worry about what Joanna is up to, so being blindsided may work a bit in their favor. The question is, will it be enough?

Witches of East End airs Sundays at 9/8c on Lifetime.

Photo Credit: James Dittiger

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