From Casey’s Kill to Maureen at the Movies, We List the Top 10 Moments from the “Scream” Films

With Ghostface preparing to strike again next week in “Scream,” the first new installment in the famous horror franchise in ten years, PopWire decided to celebrate the occasion by marking the top ten best, most memorable and gruesome moments from the previous four films to prepare for the 2022 film. Be warned, spoilers and gore abound!

Randy’s Rules | Horror buff Randy (Jamie Kennedy) knows his stuff when it comes to surviving a scary movie. In the original film, he lays out the rules for surviving Ghostface’s massacre, including but not limited to, No drinking, sex, or drugs, and above all else, do not say, “I’ll be right back.” Even after his untimely demise in “Scream 2,” Randy makes a beyond-the-grave appearance in the third film to lay out the rules of the trilogy capper, such as the third film tying everything together and revealing a new secret, which comes to fruition.

Blowing Sh*t Up | In “Scream 3” we’re treated to one of the most elaborate and bombastic kills in the history of the franchise. With the cast of “Stab 3” holed up in a Hollywood mansion, Ghostface takes advantage of the opportunity by faxing- yeah, this movie is old- updated script pages for the film to the terrified cast. The final page reveals that Ghostface has caused a gas leak, just as Tom (Matt Keeslar) pulls out a lighter, resulting in a Michael Bay-like explosion that takes Tom and the house down. Style points go to Ghostface.

Remaking a Classic | The opening of “Scream” with Drew Barrymore is one of the most famous scenes in horror history — more on that later. So it’s no wonder that the late Wes Craven updated that moment in “Scream 4,” as Kirby (Hayden Panettiere) is placed in Drew’s shoes as Ghostface forces her to answer horror trivia to save Charlie’s (Rory Culkin) life. Unfortunately, Kirby and Drew meet similar fates as Charlie turns out to be the killer and finishes her off.

Sorority Slaughterhouse | “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” star Sarah Michelle Gellar is known for kicking ass in almost everything she does. Someone forgot to tell that to her “Scream 2” character, Cici, as she ends up alone in her sorority house, leaving her open for a Ghostface kill, as he throws her off the porch after a few stabs.

Opening Night | Speaking of “Scream 2,” the sequel attempts to outdo the original’s iconic opening in a truly gruesome fashion. Maureen (Jada Pinkett Smith) and her boyfriend Phil (Omar Epps) attend the rowdiest movie screening of all time for “Stab,” only for Ghostface to kill them off in the theater. Not that it stops the horror buffs from cheering and throwing popcorn at the screen. Sucks to be the ushers that night…

If It Helps | “Scream 4’s” Robbie (Erik Knudsen) seems to be Randy 2.0, what with his film knowledge and live-streaming of his high school experience. He and Charlie appear to be best buds, but when Robbie ends up on the wrong end of Ghostface’s knife, he claims that he is gay and can’t be killed- if it helps. That’s not enough to spare him, but fans have wondered if Robbie’s admission was truthful given his bond with Charlie.

Parking Problems | Where would be the worst place to be trapped with a killer? How about a car trapped in a construction zone? “Scream 2” features Sidney (Neve Campbell) and her friend Hallie (Elise Neal) in that very predicament, trapped in the backseat with an out-cold Ghostface in the drivers’ seat. It’s certainly a tense moment as the girls try to escape without disturbing him and it gets tenser when Sidney tries and fails to unmask him, leading to Hallie’s demise. Still, A for effort.

The Longest Night in Horror History | The OG “Scream” ends in a bloodbath at a party at Stu’s (Matthew Lillard) house that lasts a whopping 42 minutes, almost half of the film’s running time. During those 42 minutes, many characters are murdered in bloody fashion, including Tatum (Rose McGowan) getting crushed in a garage door, lots of screams are shared and the killers are revealed. That’s a sign that the party is over.

Jill’s Freakout | Odds are that if you’re casting a “Scream” film, Emma Roberts is not on your list of candidates for the killer. But to Roberts’ credit, she delivers the crazy in “Scream 4.” Case in point: After shooting her boyfriend’s balls off and stabbing Sidney, Jill stages a crime scene by stabbing herself and throwing her face into broken glass to make it look convincing. All so she can achieve fame by surviving a horrific massacre. That’s dedication.

RIP Drew Barrymore | Of course, the best moment in “Scream” history was its legendary first kill. Drew Barrymore exits the franchise as quickly as she entered in the famous opening that holds up even if you know how it ends. No kill has ever topped this moment, but hopefully, the new “Scream” can hold a candle to this classic.

Which “Scream” moment is your favorite? Are you excited for the new “Scream?” Let us know in the comments.

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